Howarth | Junior MX Bb Clarinet


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The Howarth Junior MX Bb Clarinet represents the latest in Howarth’s innovative Junior range, designed for the youngest of students.

The Junior MX Clarinet was developed with Lambeth Music Service for the Musitrax whole class ensemble teaching programme. It has a reduced key mechanism to play the limited set of notes this programme requires which makes it lightweight for young hands. It also has a wider use as a first access instrument where the skills of holding an instrument, posture, breathing, tonguing and fingering can be introduced. The Junior Clarinet is in Bb and uses standard fingerings allowing easy progression to the full clarinet.

1 year warranty

  • Every instrument comes complete with good quality student model case, mouthpiece and special Howarth Simplefit ligature.

Please click here for details about the Howarth SimpleFit mouthpiece and lig.

Additional information

SKU 2100002546471
Weight 2000 g

Instrument Condition

Instrument Level